If you got a problem, YO, I'll solve it

The Mood Bling

The Mood Bling was originally part of a talk at SXSW. Imagined as a piece of realtime art that displayed how a person would feel, it involved a wet-sensor EEG strapped in and reading the brain waves of an user, as well as a heart rate, galvanic skin response and thermal sensor. As the values changed, so would the visualization, and it was the showstopper of the talk. I had the honor to present it alongside the respected neuroscientist of color perception, Bevil Conway.

 As a generative art piece, we wanted to bring it to the masses. So Mill ECD Rama Allen decided to make a photo booth out of it for the annual Mill Summer party (and he got this great selfie out of it). Here we read only the GSR, but could generate a

As a generative art piece, we wanted to bring it to the masses. So Mill ECD Rama Allen decided to make a photo booth out of it for the annual Mill Summer party (and he got this great selfie out of it). Here we read only the GSR, but could generate a new kind of animated aura photograph to give to the lucky recipients.
